Deadline to Register Voting Delegates: Tuesday, October 31, 2023
In accordance with Article IV, Section 4 of the Bylaws of Virginia Farm Bureau
Federation, which is printed below, each county Farm Bureau is entitled to Voting
Delegates, all of whom must be producer members, as follows:
1-249 producer members....................2 Voting Delegates
250-499 producer members................3 Voting Delegates
500-749 producer members................4 Voting Delegates
750-999 producer members................5 Voting Delegates
1000-1249 producer members............6 Voting Delegates
1250-1499 producer members............7 Voting Delegates
1500-1749 producer members............8 Voting Delegates
1750-1999 producer members............9 Voting Delegates
The Voting Delegate count is based on the 2023 producer memberships which are paid
for and received in the VFBF office on or before October 31, 2023.
VFBF AgPAC Board of Trustees
Even numbered districts elect Virginia Farm Bureau Federation AgPAC trustees for 2-year terms in even years, odd numbered districts elect Virginia Farm Bureau Federation AgPAC Trustees for 2-year terms in odd years.