The room block is closed. If you need a hotel room, please contact Kelly Roberts at for possible availability. If you don't need a room, you may proceed with registering as normal. 

If you need to cancel your room, please email
Kelly by July 25, 2023. 

2023 Young Farmers Summer Expo

July 28-30

Page County

VAFB Young Farmers are generally ages 18 to 35 and share an interest in supporting agriculture through production (farming), education, promotion, advocacy and/or leadership.  We welcome anyone with a passion for agriculture to join our Summer Expo for networking with Virginia's young agricultural professionals, experiencing great programs and becoming more effective advocates and leaders in Virginia agriculture.  

Parents - please note:  Children are welcome to attend and are the full responsibility of their parents. 

Expo registration includes all lunch and dinner meals, programs, workshops and tours.