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Include our organization as a sponsor of the 2017 Virginia Community Viability Institute!
Name of Organization: 
Sponsorship Level:  $
  • Conference sponsorship of $1,000 or more:  Includes two registrations, one exhibit space, and program recognition.
  • Exhibit sponsorship only $150.
Please complete the fields below identifying who will represent your organization and if you are hosting an exhibit.
Registration 1:
Farm Name
Telephone Number
Email Address
Registration 2:
Farm Name
Telephone Number
Email Address
Total Sponsorship Enclosed:  $
           ___Yes, Our organization will have an exhibit. 
   ___ Requires electricity   ___Does not require electricity
      Please enclose a check or money order made payable to
      “Treasurer, Virginia Tech” and mail to:
Dr. Martha A. Walker, Virginia Cooperative Extension
150 Slayton Avenue - Danville, VA 24540
      Virginia Cooperative Extension is unable to accept payment by credit card. 
If you prefer to pay by check you may register on-line.